A new year – a new home

The start of a new year is a fantastic time to plan your new home for a number of reasons. First, Christmas and the associated busyness of the Festive Season is over with and life is starting to settle back into normal routines. Second, you have plenty of time to plan and design your new home without the pressure of deadlines. And last, but not least, having had a break it’s much easier to tackle a big project such as a new home when you are revived and refreshed.
We often only entertain on a grand scale over the Festive Season and, when we do, it reveals how inefficient and badly planned our old homes really are. So, the new year becomes the perfect time to begin dreaming of a home that allows us to entertain in style as well as live comfortably.
To begin the process, make a list of all the things that your current home lacks. Do this while areas of concern are fresh in your mind. This becomes the framework for the new design and starts your wish list for your new home.
Another great tip is to take a few hours or a day and go for a drive. Check out new developments, take a trip through some more established suburbs, and walk or drive around your own neighbourhood. Take note of what you like (and what you don’t) in terms of the external look and feel as well as the size, shape and design of the homes as this will assist when you come to decision making for your own home.
The next step is to decide if you will knock down your existing home and re-build where you currently live or if you will look for a vacant block. Knock down/rebuild is a popular option as you can stay within your community and still access services such as schools and health care where you are already established. But Canberra is lucky to be experiencing rapid growth and there are plenty of opportunities, with new land releases and new suburbs being created, to move to a new area and make a fresh start.
The last step is to choose an architect, building designer or master builder and begin the process of designing your dream home. Then talk to a builder who can bring your vision and your needs together to provide you and your family with a fabulous home that meets all your lifestyle needs. At Natura Homes, we have the experts on staff to provide assistance at every stage of the project. Talk to us today about how we can bring your dream home to life.