Sustainability & Healthy Living

With new research into the area of healthy and sustainable living comes a new understanding of how our homes can be built to actively improve our health and wellbeing. Savvy builders understand the need for this aspect of building to be considered during the planning and design phase and this means homeowners are in the best position to benefit from the expertise available.
Some areas to consider when planning a new home include choosing the correct block and location, designing a house that works with the land, using tested and approved building products – particularly in the areas of paints, solvents, glues, termite protection, wiring and timber.
Your builder should also be thinking about airflow and ventilation and making suggestions about inclusions such as mechanically-filtered ventilation systems where required. You’ll want to ensure the building you live in actively restricts the growth of bacteria and mould and does not create an environment where dust mites can thrive.
An energy-efficient and water-efficient home can save you money as well as ensure you care for the long-term effect on the environment. Building a sustainable home is a worthwhile investment that adds to the life-span of the dwelling, enhances your family’s health and wellbeing, and increases the value of your home. Any up-front investment is quickly and easily recouped over time and you’ll really notice the change in your family’s lifestyle.
At Natura Homes, we build environmentally-friendly, sustainable, eco-conscious homes that create a healthy atmosphere for the families who live in them. We have years of expertise and experience to apply to your home project and we’d love the chance to discuss your dream home. Talk to us today and find out how easy it is to look after the environment, look after your family and take advantage of the enhanced lifestyle that comes from living in a healthy home.