Your New Home Design

The beauty of building a brand new home is that you’re able to create the home you want for your family and allow for your needs both now and in the future. A great way to start is with an ideas scrapbook. This can be online or in hard copy format but it’s a great way of showing your designer what you like – and what you don’t like – and gives them a visual reference to the style, size and layout you prefer.
If you have any particular needs – such as wider hallways or no stairs, for example – let your designer know straight away as these will make up the “must haves” that will help to formulate the initial design.
Talk to an expert – whether an architect, building designer or master builder – who specialises in the type of home you want to build. Their expertise will be invaluable in ensuring the home not only meets your needs but meets all required standards, council restrictions and other conditions. Expect to make an investment in your home at this stage – it’s worth a small amount of money now to ensure your home is perfect and the end value will far outweigh what you may have saved on a cheaper but poorly designed home.
When you’re considering your design options, look for where your home will make the main impact. Often the first introduction to the home is how it looks from the street so consider how the home presents at the front including the set back, driveways, fencing options and landscaping to the front door. Small choices can have a big impact not only on how your home looks but also how much it will cost to build.
At your first appointment with your designer they’ll need to know how many people will be living in the home, how many living areas you wish to incorporate, how many bedrooms and bathrooms, and whether you wish to include an alfresco dining area. Plan to discuss the type of kitchen you’d like to suit your style of cooking and what inclusions are your absolute “must haves” and which are negotiable.
Natura Homes brings our expert building knowledge to your plans to ensure your dream home comes to life in exactly the way you’d planned. Talk to us today and let us help you create a space in which your family and friends can relax and enjoy each other’s company.